Student Development and Management
Student Development and Management
Student Leadership & Development
The Student Leadership Programme in Mee Toh School (MTS) aims to develop a leader in very Mee Tohian. The MTS TIERED STUDENT LEADERSHIP PYRAMID is a progressive model that allows students to develop their leadership potential based on their strengths and interests in the 5 spheres of Leadership – SERVICE, CYBER WELLNESS, HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT AND PEER RELATIONS. Student Leaders are given a VOICE and EMPOWERED to carry out “BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS” projects to support their meaningful causes.

Student Leadership Development Programme
The Student Leadership Development Programme are designed to equip our student leaders with the knowledge, competencies and skills to carry out their leadership roles in the various leadership spheres.
The school adopts the 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership (by Barry Posner and James M. Kouzes) model to train our student leaders. The 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership are:

Student leaders adopt the “Design Thinking” approach for their student agency projects and events that aim to improve or enhance the overall school learning experiences for Mee Tohians.

In our efforts to develop our students holistically, the Tiered system of support for students allows the school to reach out to students so that every student receives quality instruction that matches his / her needs. Our School Counsellors support students’ mental well-being and social-emotional development while our SEN Officers support students with learning and behavioural needs. They work collaboratively with the Case Management Team, school staff and stakeholders to nurture and build students’ social skills, self-confidence, self-esteem and sense of independence.
Student Management Practices
Discipline is a continuous educational journey aimed at fostering self-discipline and strong character in our students, grounded in core values and social-emotional skills. We adopt the philosophy of Discipline with learning, care and dignity which aims to educate and empower every student to grow and move towards independence and self-discipline, actions guided by our school’s values.
To achieve this, it is essential to address inappropriate behavior with consequences that are fair, firm, and timely. Equally important is the process of restoration, that provides the foundation to build, maintain and repair relationships amongst students.
The school is committed to guiding all our students to show good character at all times, even when no one is looking.