Physical and Health Education
Physical Education (PE)
Physical Education is an integral component of Singapore’s school curriculum to develop students holistically. By emphasising the importance of movement, and an individual’s interaction with the environment, Physical Education seeks to develop the whole child to bring about a nation of physically competent and confident individuals who enjoy a lifetime of active and healthy living safely and responsibly.
The three learning areas of Physical Activity, Outdoor Education, and Physical Health and Safety are pivotal in providing the content for design and enactment of students’ meaningful learning experiences in, about and through movement. These areas leverage the physical and social environment to provide real-life contexts that strengthen students’ learning. A balanced and well-designed Physical Education curriculum, delivered through effective pedagogies and purposeful assessment can enable students to apply the skills, knowledge, practices and values to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Additionally, it can help them acquire the 21st century competencies to thrive in the fast changing and complex world.

Key Programmes / Events

Learning for Life Programme (LLP)
SENCE @ MTS (Sports Education Nurturing Character Excellence at Mee Toh School) is Mee Toh School’s Learning for Life Programme (LLP). LLP aims to provide students with real life experiences to develop their character and values, strengthening the delivery of a holistic education through sports and outdoor education.
SENCE @ MTS focuses on 4 components in the physical domain:
· Physical and Outdoor Education
· Programme for Active Learning
· Sports CCAs
· ACE Wushu @ Mee Toh School

Physical and Health Education (PHE) and Outdoor Education (OE) curriculum
Relevant skills are incorporated into the curriculum to better reflect the learning outcomes, to better engage the students and to provide a wider range of experiences that plant the seeds for life-long learning. Emphasis on the development of strong foundation and broad-based physical competencies aim to motivate students towards life-long commitment to sustain a healthy lifestyle.
Programme for Active Learning (PAL)
The school’s PAL programme is designed to expose the students (P1 and P2 students) to all four domains of PAL (sports & games, outdoor education, visual and performing arts). These outcomes include providing fun and engaging activities as well as avenues for students to develop social and emotional competencies. Through the PAL programme, students will be able exhibit confidence in what they do and express themselves effectively.
Sports CCA
CCAs are an integral part of the total school experience of students. The school strives to instil the love and passion for the Sports CCA through the 3-tier approach from P3 to P6:
· Explore/Engage; Sports and Outdoor Education during PE curriculum
· Experience; Development and application of skills during Sports CCA
· Evolve; Opportunity to excel in the sport, passion to develop talent beyond primary school

ACE Wushu @ MTS programme
The aim of Wushu learning, which is 修身养性, 自强不息, 保家卫国 (cultivation of the physical and moral self to promote continual growth as a total person so as to be of service to family and nation) is congruent with the intent of the LLP.
ACE Wushu @ MTS has the 3 key guiding principles:
“A” stands for All student participation in Wushu;
“C” stands for Character building through Wushu;
“E” stands for Excellence in Wushu.