Mdm Zou Yang Chinese Language Teacher Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-1 “ 享受学习的乐趣,收获知识的果实”
Mr Abdul Faqih Bin Sinuan Level Head - Physical & Health Education (PHE) Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-1 I believe that each individual has the innate desire to learn, not so much for glory or fame, but to relish this intrinsic joy and euphoric feeling that I can, I will, I tried, tried, tried and succeeded. As a teacher, I want to positively influence my students and help find in them that wonderful feeling and guide them to grow to be great in their own right.
Ms Lim Ying Lin Senior Teacher - Mathematics Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-2 “Every child deserves a champion - an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be ~ Rita Pierson
Ms Nursyafiqah Binte Muhammad Shahmir Dason Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-2
Mdm Cheong Pui Lai Chinese Language Teacher Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-3 努力学习直到生命的最后一刻是件美好的事。
Ms Pamela Goh Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-3
Ms Tan Siew Hua Form Teacher (3) Primary 5-3
Mrs Angela Fong Poh Eng Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-4 To walk the talk and to teach with my heart.
Ms Koh Shu Hui Sharon
Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-4
Mrs Kelly Ng Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-5 “Every Child is GIFTED. They just unwrap their packages at different times.”
Mr Joey Tan Chee Kian Head of Department - Physical & Health Education (PHE) Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-5 Changes doesn’t just pass by. It brings you along for the ride
Mr Amsyar Bin Abdul Wahed Form Teacher (3) Primary 5-5 “Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” - William Butler Yeats
Mdm Siti Nur Hannah Binte Hardy Subject Head - Student Development and Management (Discipline) Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-6 “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you can.” - John Wesley
Mdm Wen Pei-Ju Chinese Language Teacher Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-6 老师的一颗心,孩子的一片天。
Mr Chia Ian Benjamin Head of Department - Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-7 There are no great limits to learning except those that we impose on ourselves.
Mdm Zhao Xin Subject Head - Chinese Language Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-7 在教育中,一切都应以教育者的人格为基础,因为只有人格才能影响人格,只 有人格才能形成性格。(俄)乌申斯基
Miss Low Jing Yi Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-8 Plant seeds of curiosity, prune weeds of bad habits, provide a nurturing environment, and in time you will be rewarded with mighty trees of future generations.
Ms Leow Yingjie Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-8 The desire to teach and be a life-long learner.
Mr Muhammad Ali B Mohamed Yasin Form Teacher (1) Primary 5-9
Mdm Ong Su Lan Senior Teacher - Chinese Language Form Teacher (2) Primary 5-9 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。- 孔子